I found this image while surfing fffound, I think. So I tried a little exercise where I would replicate it, using NO Photoshop trick whatsoever. One layer, no drawing over, no color picking, no Levels, No Image Adjustments, etc. Just trying to draw it and paint it as if I was doing it with ink and paint on paper.
Great exercise, btw. A lesson in humility :)
I don't know who owns the image, but the copyright/etc is his/her. If anyone knows the name of the owner, please let me know and I will aknowledge this and give him the proper credit.
Marcelo Souto drew these 4 backgrounds (I think the P&B pencil art is on his blog somewhere). I had to paint them based on a piece of "concept art/color key" Andre Leão did to guide the "look/mood/color palette" of the job (I don't have that piece of art with me, but it was freaking amazing!).
It was an 2D-animation advertising job for Portugal (a juice called Umbongo, if I remember correctly). On top of the backgrounds danced all kinds of animals huahuahuahua
Fun times! I spent those days painting, chatting and laughing !